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Coalition Members

Want to be added to this list? Click below to join the Greenfield Coalition and be sure to fill in the last field in the contact form.

Aaron M. Wiens, OD

Adalgissa Rodriguez (Hidalgo CDC)

Adolfo Lemus

Akiko Miyake-Stoner

Alex Desiga, South Tower Community Land Trust

Allyson Bautista

Ambra O’Connor

Ana Grajeda

Andi Lambert, Midtown Fresno

Andrew Feil - Executive Director, Every Neighborhood Partnership

Andrew Sensenig, associate professor of biology

​Anna Wells

Anthony Molina, M.D.

April Henry

Armando V.

Arthur Ando

Arthur Dyson, FAIA, RIBA Dyson Janzen Architects, Inc.

Ashley Goldsmith, Business Owner & Community Member


Blanca Torres, Follett Higher Education

Bob Nelson, Ed. D.

Brandi Nuse-Villegas

Brandon Scovill

Brena Ramirez

Brett Thompson, Southeast Property Owner

Bruce W Honeyman

C Quesada, Lecturer, Sociology Department, Fresno State

Carol Ann Meme

Carole Goldsmith

Carolyn Flores

Catalina Galvez

Cathy Caples

Cecillia Alvarado

Cecily Callahan Ash Tree Green Burial

Cheyenne Jenvey UU Church of Fresno IAF & Social Justice Teams

Christian Gonzalez

Christina Ortega / Fresno Metro Ministries

Christine Miktarian

Christopher De León - Urban Ag Advocate

Clara Chavez

Cliff Lloyd, Real Estate Consultant

Community Development, Inc.

Connie Young, UU Fresno

Council of Infill Builders

Dan Silver, Endangered Habitats League

Dan Zack

Dave Stevens, Central Valley IAF and Unitarian Universalist Church

Dianne Hanzlicek

Dillon Savory

Donpreyel Martin - Southwest Collective

Dr. Matthew Jendian

EJ Hinojosa, EJ for Fresno County Supervisor

E. Kirsten Honeyman

Edgar Arenas

Eduardo Chavez


Eva Gutierrez - Regenerate California Innovation

Farhana Weerasinghe, El Dorado Park CDC

Felícitas Chavez, residente y vendedor ambulante


Francine M. Farber

Germán Quiñonez

Grace Yong

Graciela Cruz

Hannah Johnson

Hector Chavez

Heidi White - Jackson CDC


Israel Ceballos, residente and small buissness owner

Ivan Paz, Community Organizer

Jackie Holmes

Jade Armone

James Ruelas, UU Church of Fresno / Peace Fresno

James Westgate

Janice Ledgerwood

Jazmin Gonzalez

Jessica Hoff Berzac, UPholdings

Jessica Mast-Foss

Jim Grant, District 1 Resident

Jim Mendez, MD, Enough Gun Violence / Brady Greater Fresno (EGV/BGF)

Joe White - Jackson Community Development Corporation

Juan & Amy Arambula

Judith Reposo

Karl Gurney, District 1 Resident

Kay Bertken

Keith Bergthold, Regenerate California Innovation, RCI

Keith Ford, Central Valley IAF

Ken Wall

Kendra Staub-Villarreal

Kevin Dueck

Kevin Reifman

Kimberly Dougherty, PhD

Kimbrough Leslie, FICA

Laqusha Locke - ENP

Launa Grunau - Jackson CDC Board Member

Laurie Tidyman-Jones, CVIAF, SCFT, & UU Fresno

League of Women Voters of Fresno

Lisa Edelheit

Lucina Cruz

Maggie Parker, UU Fresno

Maria Ellena

Marianne Kast


Martha Rodriguez-Torres

Matthew Carnero-Macias [Humility Human]

Matthew Gillian for Fresno City Council 2024

Melissa Dearing

Meredith Wiley

Michael Byars

Michael Espinoza, The Children's Movement of Fresno

Micheline Curnyn

Miguel Arambula

Mike Wells

Nancy M. Richardson

Nancy Westgate

Natasha Biasell, Ivy Public Relations

Nathan Gustin, Educator


Nevai Williams

Nikiko Masumoto

Octaviana Gonzalez — Familias en Acción

Pastor D.J. Criner

Patience Milrod, lawyer

Patricia A

Paul Castillo, Every Neighborhood Partnership

Paul E Pierce

Paul Halajian Architects

Pedro Gonzalez of Martin Park in the District 7

Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer

Rev. Simon Biasell - Woven Coalition for Justice

Rhonda Dueck - Jackson CDC

Rita Townsend, Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno

Robert Boro, Landscape Architect and Preservationist

Roland Molimard

Rollie Smith, Gaithersburg Beloved Community Initiative

Roman C. Rain Tree, Central Valley Industrial Areas Foundation

Ruben Nieves

Samai Munoz

Sandy Aune

Sarah Del Pozo

Sarah Valentine - Jackson CDC

Shar Thompson Fresno Tenants Union & Tenants Together


Seth Jordan

Sharon Bell-Stevens. Central Valley IAF

Shaula Conrad Neighborhood Church Fresno

Sheila Hakimipour, Urban Diversity Design

Stacey Basile

Steve & Dottie Chandler

Steve and Neva Popenoe

Sue Kincaid, FCHIP Program Director

Telma Villeda

The Children's Movement of Fresno (TCM Fresno)

Tina Lawrence

Tony Avila

Trudi Thom

Vathanak Heang

Vicky Flores, Jackson Neighborhod Association

william dominic / community regional medical center

Yang Soua Fang

Yolanda Randles



Coalition membership list as of 03/19/24


“We must rethink the investments that we have made that have gotten us to this point. Because the urban sprawl that has happened for too long in our communities has left neglected communities in the core of our cities, with crumbling infrastructure that requires investments.”


― Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (press conference on 6/28/23)

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